A nice quick and easy one for an issue I was having when trying to search for updates using VMware’s default repository from the vRA 7 VAMI.
For some reason the appliance was stuck at searching for updates, even after rebooting the appliance the status remained the same:
I initially let this run for over a day so it wasn’t a case of letting it finish.
To get round this issue, I had to change the settings for updates:
Change the settings to Automatic and then set a schedule the closest hour to your current time is best. You need to set the Update repository to something you aren’t using e.g. if your using the VMware default repository, select it to the CDROM and make sure you save your settings:
Once the time you select passes by the search for updates will time out, and you’ll be able to revert your settings to the original and check again, in my case this worked the very next time:
I hope someone finds this helpful J